Theological Physics

1 February 2017 Version


Robert M. Hartranft                  Scott W. Hartranft

Simsbury CT 06070                  Aloha OR 97006



In an earlier paper, the authors proposed a model where the universe is composed of exactly equal amounts of positive mass-energy and negative mass-energy, now segregated into two exactly concentric, intermeshed, mutually repulsive, expanding spheres.  We consider here the theological implications of the laws of physics. 


Physics:  The laws of physics appear to be identical everywhere in the universe.

Theology:   Monotheism – there is only one Creator.


Physics:    In this model, the laws of physics are invariant throughout the entire history of the universe, with no special contrivances like “cosmic inflation” or “dark energy”. This is a profound difference between this model and the currently popular models. 

Theology:   The Creator is consistent about all things at all times.


Physics:    The laws are quantum mechanical rather than Newtonian deterministic.

Theology:   Free will exists, together with its necessary companion – evil.  Each location in the universe will evolve in a unique manner, no matter how similar initially:  there will be unplanned, interesting things to see.  If the Creator wishes to change or direct matters at a given location, He can do so in a completely undetectable manner by changing one quantum at a time, or He can make His power evident.


Physics:  Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, and that speed is slow compared to the size of even a single galaxy.

Theology:   Local independence is preserved even if an advanced civilization devotes huge resources to communication or transport.  (Note that this model has no “worm holes” or other shortcuts.)  But for the same reason, virtually the entire history of the universe is readily seen with telescopes:  the Creator’s work is on display to all. 000000


Physics:  There are myriad planets, but each – including the unusual Earth-moon system – is unique because of quantum mechanics.  Only Earth is truly Earth-like.

Theology:   We see nothing in Physics which directly answers Psalm 8 –

What is man, that thou art mindful of him?”

– but neither do we see anything which refutes the premise of the question.  It seems significant that humans have both the ability and the technology to see and understand the universe.


Physics:  As a general pattern, the laws of physics appear to be few, simple, and understandable.

Theology:   The Creator means His work to be understood.


Physics:  The Totalitarian Principle – “Everything not forbidden is compulsory.”  Except for this, an endless perfect void would fulfill all the laws of physics.

Theology:   The Creator clearly favored action over inaction, even amidst uncertainty and risking evil.


In this model, the true Creation Event is the creation of the laws of physics:  the Big Bang was simply an allowed event.  John 1:1 seems an elegant summary: 

In the beginning was the Word,

  and the Word was with God,

  and the Word was God.


All this is speculation, not rigorous proof.  But the pattern is fascinatingly familiar.


This work was made possible by the tireless support of Dr. Martha Hartranft (Robert’s wife, Scott’s mother).